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\item[suspect] to believe that something is true, especially something bad; to believe that someone has done something, usually something bad; to believe that something is bad or worse than it appears.
\item[exclude] prevent sb/sth from entering a place or taking part in sth
\item[consistent] continuing or developing steadily in the same way
\item[variety] a collection or number of people, things, ideas, etc. that are all different from one another; the fact that something consists of different things, usually in a way that makes it interesting or enjoyable.
\item[paradigm] a typical example or model of sth.
\item[disseminate] to make something such as information or knowledge available to a lot of people
\item[reproducible] 可重复使用的,能复制的
\item[immutable] impossible to change
\item[incorporate] to add or include something as a part of something else, for example as a part of an arrangement or a document; to include something as a part or as a quality.
\item[scenario] an imagined situation or prospects that could possibly happen;design or plan of something
\item[ephemeral] lasting for only a short time; an ephemeral plant has only a short life
\item[ubiquitous] present everywhere
\item[emanate] if you emanate a lot of a quality or feeling, or if it emanates from you, you show it without expressing it in words
\item[disseminate] to make something such as information or knowledge available to a lot of people
\item[hetero-] 前缀,杂、不同、异,不均一
\item[envisage] to envision
\item[vibrant] lively and exciting
\item[elevate] to improve the status or importance of someone or something; to give someone a more important job or position; to improve something, especially your mind or feelings
\item[tamper] to interfere with something in a way that damages it or has harmful results;to try to corrupt or influence somebody or affect the outcome of something.
\item[passphrase] 密码、口令
\item[revoke] to officially cancel sth so that it is no longer valid
\item[intermediate] located between two places, things, states, etc.having more than a basic knowledge of sth but not yet advanced; suitable for sb who is at this level.
\item[delimit] to set the limits of something.
\item[cram] to put people or things into a space that is too small; if people cram a place, they fill it study hard in order to learn a lot in a short time, especially for an examination.
\item[ by no means] not at available
\item[at fault] responsible for sth. bad that has happened.
\item[at a time] on each occasion
\item[watch out for] make an effort to be aware of what is happening. so that you'll notice if anything bad or unusual happens.
\item[seek out] look for and find.
\item[in detail] fully
\item[recipient] someone who receives something
\item[replca] an accurate copy of something
\item[compliment] a remark that expresses praise or admiration of sb
\item[denote] to mean something
\item[intrinsically] 内在的,本质上的
\item[predicate] a part of a sentence containing a verb that makes a statement about the subject of the verb, such aswent home inJohn went home.
\item[compromise] n. an agreement made between two people or groups in which each side gives up some of the things they want so that both sides are happy at the do sth that is against your principles or does not reach standards that you have set.
\item[redundant] not need.if someone is redundant, they have been told they must leave their job because they are no longer needed.
\item[mandatory] V. ordered by a law or rule.
\item[transcribe] to record thoughts, speech or data in a written form, or in a different written form from the original.
\item[prospect] the possibility that sth will happen;an idea of what might or will happen in the future;the chances of being successful;a wide view of an area of land, etc.
\item[recipe] a method or an idea that seems likely to have a particular result.
\item[craft] V. to make sth using special skills, especially with your hands.
\item[mitigate]V. to make sth less harmful, serious, etc.
\item[community] all the people who live in a particular area, country, etc. when talked about as a group.
\item[broker]If a country or government brokers an agreement, a ceasefire, or a round of talks, they try to negotiate or arrange it.
\item[straightforward] easy to do or to understand; not complicated.
\item[resilience]the physical property of a material that can return to its original shape or position after deformation that does not exceed its elastic limit.
\item[consequently]as a result; therefore.
\item[extrapolation] an inference about the future (or about some hypothetical situation) based on known facts and observations.
\item[exploit] o use sth well in order to gain as much from it as possible
\item[discrete] independent of other things of the same type.
\item[rendezvous] a place where people have arranged to meet
\item[alternatively] used to introduce a suggestion that is a second choice or possibility
\item[underpin]to support or form the basis of an argument, a claim, etc.
\item[dedicated] working hard at sth because it is very important to you;designed to do only one particular type of work; used for one particular purpose only
\item[as though] 好像用于强调某事不是真的或不会发生At one stage it looked as though they would win.
\item[negotiate]to try to reach an agreement by formal discussion
\item[inference]something that you can find out indirectly from what you already know; the act or process of forming an opinion, based on what you already know.
\item[argument]a conversation or discussion in which two or more people disagree, often angrily; a reason or set of reasons that sb uses to show that sth is true or correct; the act of disagreeing in a conversation or discussion using a reason or set of reasons.
\item[propagate]to spread an idea, a belief or a piece of information among many people. to produce new plants from a parent plant.
\item[crucially] If you describe something as crucial, you mean it is extremely important.
\item[otherwise] used to state what the result would be if sth did not happen or if the situation were different.
\item[proposal] a formal suggestion or plan; the act of making a suggestion.
\item[impose]to introduce a new law, rule, tax, etc.; to order that a rule, punishment, etc. be force sb/sth to have to deal with sth that is difficult or unpleasant.
\item[churn] if water, mud, etc. churns , or if sth churns it (up) , it moves or is moved around violently.
\item[capture]to succeed in accurately expressing a feeling, an atmosphere, etc. in a picture, piece of writing, film/movie, etc.
\item[transaction] a piece of business that is done between people, especially an act of buying or selling.
\item[pictorial] using or containing pictures. connected with pictures.
\item[augment]to increase the amount, value, size, etc. of sth.
\item[versatile] able to do many different things. having many different uses.
\item[mechanism]a set of moving parts in a machine that performs a task. a method or a system for achieving sth.a system of parts in a living thing that together perform a particular function.
\item[restrictive]preventing people from doing what they want.
\item[encapsulate]to express the most important parts of sth in a few words, a small space or a single object.
\item[multi-tenant] 多租户
\item[cloud-native] 云原生
\item[evict]to force sb to leave a house or land, especially when you have the legal right to do so.
\item[spawn] to cause sth to develop or be produced.
\item[initiate]to make sth begin. to explain sth to sb and/or make them experience it for the first time.
\item[initiative]a new plan for dealing with a particular problem or for achieving a particular purpose.the ability to decide and act on your own without waiting for sb to tell you what to do.the power or opportunity to act and gain an advantage before other people do.
\item[proceeding]the process of using a court to settle a disagreement or to deal with a complaint.
\item[punctuation ]the marks used in writing that divide sentences and phrases; the system of using these marks.
\item[delimit]to decide what the limits of sth are.
\item[correspond]to be the same as or match sth. to be similar to or the same as sth else.
\item[premise] a statement or an idea that forms the basis for a reasonable line of argument.
\item[extensive]covering a large area; great in amount. including or dealing with a wide range of information.
\item[hybrid]an animal or plant that has parents of different species or varieties.something that is the product of mixing two or more different things.
\item[tandem]a bicycle for two riders, one behind the other. \strong{in tandem}:a thing that works or happens in tandem with sth else works together with it or happens at the same time as it.并行。
\item[containerize]package in a container.
\item[instantiate]find an instance of (a word or particular usage of a word).represent by an instance.实例化。
\item[plague] to cause pain or trouble to sb/sth over a period of time; to annoy sb or create problems, especially by asking for sth, demanding attention, etc.
\item[fiscal] 财政的
\item[debt quotas]负债配额
\item[bond] 债券
\item[bolster] 加强
\item[treasury bond] 国库券
\item[dedicated fund] 专用资金
\item[estate] 地产
\item[piller] 支柱
\item[intensify] 强化
\item[counter-cyclical] 反周期
\item[deficit] 赤字
\item[incentive] 激励措施
\item[subsidies] 补贴
\item[minigate] 减轻
\item[sustained] 持续的
\item[livelihood] 生计
\item[prominent] 突出的
\item[reinforce] 加强
\item[contemplate] to think about whether you should do sth, or how you should do sth. to think carefully about and accept the possibility of sth happening. to think deeply about sth for a long time.
\item[designate]to say officially that sth has a particular character or name; to describe sth in a particular choose or name sb for a particular job or position. to show sth using a particular mark or sign.
\item[marshal] arrange in logical order.
\item[indefinite] lasting for a period of time that has no fixed end.
\item[integrate] to combine two or more things so that they work together; to combine with sth else in this way.
\item[interface] to be connected with sth using an interface ; to connect sth in this way.
\item[authenticity] the quality of being genuine or true
\item[imitation]a copy of sth, especially sth expensive. the act of copying sb/sth
\item[optimal] 最优的、最佳的
\item[ecological] 生态的、生态学的。connected with the relation of plants and living creatures to each other and to their environment. interested in and concerned about the ecology of a place.
\item[pertinent] appropriate to a particular situation
\item[granularity] 粒度
\item[hierarchy]a system, especially in a society or an organization, in which people are organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest
\item[autonomous] 自主的
\item[square kilometer]平方公里
\item[eradication] 根除
\item[poverty] 贫穷
\item[agenda] 会议议程
\item[representative] 代表
\item[hone] 磨炼
\item[foster] 培养
\item[enterpreneurship] 创业精神
\item[endeavors] 努力
\item[coalition] 联合
\item[deputy] 代理
\item[stealth] 隐身
\item[sporadic] 零星的
\item[state-of-the-art] If you describe something as state-of-the-art, you mean that it is the best available because it has been made using the most modern techniques and technology.最先进的,体现先进水平的
\item[currency] the system of money that a country uses. the fact that sth is used or accepted by a lot of people
\item[federte] unite on a federal basis or band together as a league.
\item[unidirectional] operating or moving or allowing movement in one direction only.单向的。
\item[terminology] the set of technical words or expressions used in a particular subject.