\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[UTF8]{ctexcap} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{xcolor} %opening \title{英语学习笔记} \author{行走的芦苇} \begin{document} \maketitle %\begin{abstract} %\end{abstract} \section{单词} \begin{description} \item[suspect] to believe that something is true, especially something bad; to believe that someone has done something, usually something bad; to believe that something is bad or worse than it appears. \item[exclude] prevent sb/sth from entering a place or taking part in sth \item[consistent] continuing or developing steadily in the same way \item[variety] a collection or number of people, things, ideas, etc. that are all different from one another; the fact that something consists of different things, usually in a way that makes it interesting or enjoyable. \item[paradigm] a typical example or model of sth. \item[disseminate] to make something such as information or knowledge available to a lot of people \item[reproducible] 可重复使用的,能复制的 \item[immutable] impossible to change \item[incorporate] to add or include something as a part of something else, for example as a part of an arrangement or a document; to include something as a part or as a quality. \item[scenario] an imagined situation or prospects that could possibly happen;design or plan of something \item[ephemeral] lasting for only a short time; an ephemeral plant has only a short life \item[ubiquitous] present everywhere \item[emanate] if you emanate a lot of a quality or feeling, or if it emanates from you, you show it without expressing it in words \item[disseminate] to make something such as information or knowledge available to a lot of people \item[hetero-] 前缀,杂、不同、异,不均一 \item[envisage] to envision \item[vibrant] lively and exciting \item[elevate] to improve the status or importance of someone or something; to give someone a more important job or position; to improve something, especially your mind or feelings \item[tamper] to interfere with something in a way that damages it or has harmful results;to try to corrupt or influence somebody or affect the outcome of something. \item[passphrase] 密码、口令 \item[revoke] to officially cancel sth so that it is no longer valid \item[intermediate] located between two places, things, states, etc.having more than a basic knowledge of sth but not yet advanced; suitable for sb who is at this level. \item[delimit] to set the limits of something. \item[cram] to put people or things into a space that is too small; if people cram a place, they fill it completely.to study hard in order to learn a lot in a short time, especially for an examination. \item[ by no means] not at available \item[at fault] responsible for sth. bad that has happened. \item[at a time] on each occasion \item[watch out for] make an effort to be aware of what is happening. so that you'll notice if anything bad or unusual happens. \item[seek out] look for and find. \item[in detail] fully \end{document}