bai 2024-10-23 16:55:17 +08:00
parent 6d56c03e7c
commit ac99f88c30
6 changed files with 85 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -150,4 +150,13 @@ C++不允许我们对内置类型设置默认初始化功能,全局变量会
} }
\end{verbatim} \end{verbatim}
这种情况下,当$x=0$会返回无效值 这种情况下,当$x=0$会返回无效值
Program to an interface, not an implementation.
Favor object composition over class inheritance.
There are important differences between these techniques. Object composition lets you change the behavior being composed at run-time,but it also requires indirection and can be less efficient. Inheritance lets you provide default implementations for operations and lets subclasses override them. Parameterized types let you change the types that a class can use. But neither inheritance nor parameterized types can change at run-time. Which approach is best depends on your design and implementation constraints.
\end{document} \end{document}

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@ -251,12 +251,38 @@ v.(缺陷)损害;使失效;削弱
\item[depict]vt.描绘;描述;描写;刻画;描画 \item[depict]vt.描绘;描述;描写;刻画;描画
\item[refine]vt.精炼;改进;改善;提纯;使精练;去除杂质 \item[refine]vt.精炼;改进;改善;提纯;使精练;去除杂质
\item[slant]v.倾斜;(使)歪斜;有倾向性地陈述;有偏向地报道 \item[slant]v.倾斜;(使)歪斜;有倾向性地陈述;有偏向地报道
\item[] \end{description}
\item[] \subsection{20241023}
\item[justification] 正当理由
\item[neglect] v.忽视;忽略;疏忽;疏于照顾;疏漏;不予重视;未予看管
\item[exploitation] n.剥削;(出于私利的)利用;开发;开采;榨取
\item[retionalization] n.(尤指事业等的)合理化;有理化;理论解释;文饰(作用)
\item[superiority] n.优越(性);优势;优越感;盛气凌人的行为;神气活现的样子
\item[inferiority] n.低等;劣等;劣势
\item[in terms of]在……方面,从……方面(说来);根据,按照;从……角度看;用……的话,用……的字眼(或措辞);用……的思想方法
\item[adhere to ]坚持;遵守;附着于
\item[bound up with]与…密切相关的;同…难以分开的
\item[payoff] n.报酬;结果;结局;发工资;结清;算清
\item[generics]网络 泛型;仿制药;通用类型;范型
\item[taxonomy]n. 分类法;分类学;分类系统
\item[vice versa]adv. 反之亦然,反过来也一样
\item[in contrast]adv.相反
\item[by contrasy]相比之下;与…相反;与之相比
\end{description} \end{description}
\end{document} \end{document}

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@ -22,38 +22,42 @@ some strategies for learning English:
\item Read Widely \item Read Widely
\item Write regularly \item Write regularly
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
There is no royal way to learning. There is no royal way to learning.\\
Practice makes perfect.\\
Practice makes perfect. The secret of sucess is, consistency to purpose.\\
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.\\
The secret of sucess is, consistency to purpose. The first chapter is introductory remarks to the topics, background, purpose and meaning of this paper as well as domestic and foreign relevant literature for the interest rate risk management.\\
The local scenery legend is made up of their introductory remarks, mainstay part and ironclad proof part, all of which have superb narrative skills.\\
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. an atmosphere that is unique to New York.纽约所独特的气候。\\
methods of information retrieval 数据检索方法\\
The first chapter is introductory remarks to the topics, background, purpose and meaning of this paper as well as domestic and foreign relevant literature for the interest rate risk management. Eventually, driven to despair , he threw himself under a train.\\
The doctor examined her but could find nothing wrong.\\
The local scenery legend is made up of their introductory remarks, mainstay part and ironclad proof part, all of which have superb narrative skills. They have introduced a new system whereby all employees must undergo regular training.\\
For the sake of simplicity , let's divide the discussion into two parts.\\
an atmosphere that is unique to New York.纽约所独特的气候。 Compromise is an inevitable part of life.\\
Physical characteristics are determined by genetic inheritance.\\
methods of information retrieval 数据检索方法 The competition attracted over 500 contestants representing 8 different countries.\\
aggregate demand/investment/turnover 总需求 / 投资 / 成交量\\
Eventually, driven to despair , he threw himself under a train. I yielded to temptation and had a chocolate bar.\\
The doctor examined her but could find nothing wrong. Barges yielded to road vehicles for transporting goods.\\
a comprehensive survey of modern music现代音乐概述\\
They have introduced a new system whereby all employees must undergo regular training. This chapter briefly surveys the current state of European politics.本章对欧洲政治的现状作了简略概述\\
He's talking in terms of starting a completely new career.他正在谈论开创全新的事业\\
For the sake of simplicity , let's divide the discussion into two parts. The Tacit knowledge is more perfect and can create much value than explict knowledge.隐性知识比显性知识更完善、更能创造价值。\\
Two equations of convection diffusion for the electron density and hole density are treated by implicit explict multistep finite element methods;用隐式-显式多步有限元法处理电子密度和空洞密度满足的两个对流-扩散方程;\\
Compromise is an inevitable part of life. The existance and uniqueness of the solution of fuzzy random differential equation and a explict representation of solution of one-order linear equation are proved.
Physical characteristics are determined by genetic inheritance. We must adhere to the principle of voluntary participation.
The competition attracted over 500 contestants representing 8 different countries. All members of the association adhere to a strict code of practice
aggregate demand/investment/turnover 总需求 / 投资 / 成交量
I yielded to temptation and had a chocolate bar.
Barges yielded to road vehicles for transporting goods.
the Dutch delegation to the United Nations
Generics can help you resolve coding problems earlier in the development cycle.
His argument was that public spending must be reduced.
the wide disparity between rich and poor
\end{document} \end{document}

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@ -306,6 +306,7 @@ The key implementation issue for message queuing systems is the choice between c
\chapter{docker} \chapter{docker}
Singularity was created to run complex applications on HPC clusters in a \strong{simple, portable, and reproducible way}. Singularity was created to run complex applications on HPC clusters in a \strong{simple, portable, and reproducible way}.

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@ -653,7 +653,12 @@
踌躇:徘徊、犹豫,马踌躇而回顾;从容自得的样子,为之踌躇滿志\par 踌躇:徘徊、犹豫,马踌躇而回顾;从容自得的样子,为之踌躇滿志\par
缓慢迟速唯君亡羊而补牢未为也迟钝初吾忧其迟钝迟疑、犹豫琵琶声停欲语迟长久迟久而不相及zh\`{i},等待,朕思迟直士\par 缓慢迟速唯君亡羊而补牢未为也迟钝初吾忧其迟钝迟疑、犹豫琵琶声停欲语迟长久迟久而不相及zh\`{i},等待,朕思迟直士\par
胠:腋下,甚则不可以转,转则两胠下滿;军阵的右翼军队,左翼称启;从旁撬开(器物),将为胠箧探嚢发匮之盗而为守备;搁浅,(鱼)胠于沙而思水,则无逮也。\par 胠:腋下,甚则不可以转,转则两胠下滿;军阵的右翼军队,左翼称启;从旁撬开(器物),将为胠箧探嚢发匮之盗而为守备;搁浅,(鱼)胠于沙而思水,则无逮也。\par

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@ -85,6 +85,8 @@
2024.10.21 不管怎么说,还是有点遗憾。这么信任的人,真心帮助过的人,竟然连打卡这种小事都不愿意做,确实超乎了我的理解,真是失败。 2024.10.21 不管怎么说,还是有点遗憾。这么信任的人,真心帮助过的人,竟然连打卡这种小事都不愿意做,确实超乎了我的理解,真是失败。
2024.10.22 静坐关键是如何安放这颗心,不能游离于各个部位或场景,先试试下丹田吧。多学习点货币方面的知识吧,这些知识都是融入到我们生活中的知识。对学生不管,任其发展,不做技术和学术指导,就是对学生好!我第一次听说,不知是学生的悲哀还是老师的失职。 2024.10.22 静坐关键是如何安放这颗心,不能游离于各个部位或场景,先试试下丹田吧。多学习点货币方面的知识吧,这些知识都是融入到我们生活中的知识。对学生不管,任其发展,不做技术和学术指导,就是对学生好!我第一次听说,不知是学生的悲哀还是老师的失职。
2024.10.23 看文章首先要抓住作者的思想和观点兼顾材料组织和逻辑思路字词在其末。英语长句的分析重点是句子的结构主谓宾丁状补以及句子成分之间的关系搞清楚后再翻译和理解就简单多了不要先纠结于不会的单词。有时间的话计划复习一下新概念英语三和四20多年没看了不知还记得多少在无聊的事情中徘徊纠结于无意义的事情中生命就这样流逝着。禅宗行思和尚参禅之初看山是山看水是水禅有悟时看山不是山看水不是水禅中彻悟看山仍是山看水极是水。
\chapter{cmake} \chapter{cmake}
自动递归设计变量名 自动递归设计变量名
\begin{verbatim*} \begin{verbatim*}