bai 2024-10-16 22:05:10 +08:00
parent cbc8b910f4
commit 97991b0ef5
3 changed files with 6 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
\item[underpin]to support or form the basis of an argument, a claim, etc.
\item[dedicated] working hard at sth because it is very important to you;designed to do only one particular type of work; used for one particular purpose only
\item[as though] 好像用于强调某事不是真的或不会发生At one stage it looked as though they would win.
\item[negotiate]to try to reach an agreement by formal discussion
\item[inference]something that you can find out indirectly from what you already know; the act or process of forming an opinion, based on what you already know.
\item[argument]a conversation or discussion in which two or more people disagree, often angrily; a reason or set of reasons that sb uses to show that sth is true or correct; the act of disagreeing in a conversation or discussion using a reason or set of reasons.
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@
\item[tandem]a bicycle for two riders, one behind the other. \strong{in tandem}:a thing that works or happens in tandem with sth else works together with it or happens at the same time as it.并行。
\item[containerize]package in a container.
\item[instantiate]find an instance of (a word or particular usage of a word).represent by an instance.实例化。
\item[plague] to cause pain or trouble to sb/sth over a period of time; to annoy sb or create problems, especially by asking for sth, demanding attention, etc.

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@ -36,5 +36,7 @@ The local scenery legend is made up of their introductory remarks, mainstay part
an atmosphere that is unique to New York.纽约所独特的气候。
methods of information retrieval 数据检索方法
Eventually, driven to despair , he threw himself under a train.

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@ -71,7 +71,8 @@
2024.10.14 上周和班车师傅讨论了一下能否优化一下行车路线只要提高2分钟即可。今天果然在730到达了停车点。
2024.10.15 人的精神寄托可以是音乐,可以是书籍,可以是运动,可以是工作,可以是山川湖海,唯独不可以是人。鱼害乎饵,人害乎财,饵与财异,其害一也!火以用为本,以体为末,故动;水以体为本,以用为末,故静。不我物,然后定能物物。幸不幸,命也;当不当,份也;一命一份,人其逃乎?君子见善则喜之,见不善则远之;小人见善则疾之,见不善则喜之。肥遁,无不利,无所疑也。反复其道,七日来复,利有攸往。旁行而不流,乐天知命,故不忧。见了便做做了便放下了了有何不了;慧生于觉觉生于自在生生还是无生。
2024.10.16 乐易者常寿长,忧险者常夭折:是安危利害之常体也。履道者固,杖势者危。不矜细节,终累大行。
2024.10.16 乐易者常寿长忧险者常夭折是安危利害之常体也。履道者固杖势者危。不矜细节终累大行。学了5天的英语有点习惯了每天能看两页文档。很多单词都忘记了有些还能猜得出大多都忘记了还得查字典复习一下慢慢学习吧。前两年一度以为自己废了去年多次辞呈今年终得解脱。可以静下心学点知识读些书做点有价值的事。未来还很长还有许多事要做许多经历需要体验。不能把自己困在牢笼里。昨天测试了一下17分左右跑完俯卧撑和仰卧起坐还需要专门锻炼。
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