From 484e854a712642c69ec9736b29fd216d90bb0921 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: bai Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 16:57:06 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] 202410171657 --- danci.tex | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- english.tex | 10 ++++++++++ wenzhang.tex | 1 + yuwen.tex | 10 +++++++++- zaji.tex | 8 ++------ 5 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/danci.tex b/danci.tex index 38ec71f..cf86fa5 100644 --- a/danci.tex +++ b/danci.tex @@ -113,8 +113,38 @@ \item[instantiate]find an instance of (a word or particular usage of a word).represent by an instance.实例化。 \item[plague] to cause pain or trouble to sb/sth over a period of time; to annoy sb or create problems, especially by asking for sth, demanding attention, etc. - - +\subsection{20241017} +\item[fiscal] 财政的 +\item[debt] quotas 负债配额 +\item[bond] 债券 +\item[bolster] 加强 +\item[treasury bond] 国库券 +\item[dedicated fund] 专用资金 +\item[estate] 地产 +\item[piller] 支柱 +\item[intensify] 强化 +\item[counter-cyclical] 反周期 +\item[deficit] 赤字 +\item[incentive] 激励措施 +\item[subsidies] 补贴 +\item[minigate] 减轻 +\item[sustained] 持续的 +\item[livelihood] 生计 +\item[prominent] 突出的 +\item[reinforce] 加强 +\item[contemplate] to think about whether you should do sth, or how you should do sth. to think carefully about and accept the possibility of sth happening. to think deeply about sth for a long time. +\item[designate]to say officially that sth has a particular character or name; to describe sth in a particular choose or name sb for a particular job or position. to show sth using a particular mark or sign. +\item[marshal] arrange in logical order. +\item[indefinite] lasting for a period of time that has no fixed end. +\item[integrate] to combine two or more things so that they work together; to combine with sth else in this way. +\item[interface] to be connected with sth using an interface ; to connect sth in this way. +\item[authenticity] the quality of being genuine or true +\item[imitation]a copy of sth, especially sth expensive. the act of copying sb/sth +\item[optimal] 最优的、最佳的 +\item[ecological] 生态的、生态学的。connected with the relation of plants and living creatures to each other and to their environment. interested in and concerned about the ecology of a place. +\item[pertinent] appropriate to a particular situation +\item[granularity] 粒度 +\item[hierarchy]a system, especially in a society or an organization, in which people are organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest \end{description} diff --git a/english.tex b/english.tex index d520ff9..05ed3b0 100644 --- a/english.tex +++ b/english.tex @@ -39,4 +39,14 @@ an atmosphere that is unique to New York.纽约所独特的气候。 methods of information retrieval 数据检索方法 Eventually, driven to despair , he threw himself under a train. +The doctor examined her but could find nothing wrong. + +They have introduced a new system whereby all employees must undergo regular training. + +For the sake of simplicity , let's divide the discussion into two parts. + +Compromise is an inevitable part of life. + +Physical characteristics are determined by genetic inheritance. + \end{document} diff --git a/wenzhang.tex b/wenzhang.tex index 2941cc8..87bbc51 100644 --- a/wenzhang.tex +++ b/wenzhang.tex @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ 故夫知效一官,行比一鄉,德合一君,而徵一國者,其自視也亦若此矣。而宋榮子猶笑之。且舉世而譽之不加勸,舉世而非之而不加沮,定乎内外之分,辯乎榮辱之境,斯已矣。彼,其於世,未數數然也。雖然,猶有未樹也。夫列子御風而行,泠然善也,旬有五日而後反。彼於致福者,未數數然也。此雖免乎行,猶有所待者也。若夫乘天地之正,而御六氣之辯,以遊无窮者,彼且惡乎待哉?故曰:至人无己,神人无功,聖人无名。 +惠子谓庄子曰:魏王贻我大瓠之種,我樹之成,而实五石。以盛水桨,其坚不能自舉也。剖之以为瓢,则瓠落无所容。非不呺然大也,吾为其无用而掊之。莊子曰:夫子固拙於用大矣。宋人有爲不龜手之藥者,世世以洴澼絖为事。客聞之,請買其方百金。聚 diff --git a/yuwen.tex b/yuwen.tex index 6fe2b0f..627cd36 100644 --- a/yuwen.tex +++ b/yuwen.tex @@ -625,7 +625,15 @@ 渺茫:指机率微小;时地远隔,模糊不清楚;烟波辽阔。\par 特:公牛,云怒特之来奔;三岁或四岁的牲畜,胡瞻尔庭有悬特兮;一头牲,遣使者以特祠中岳;单独、独自,处势卑贱,无党孤特;特此、特别,特下燕国;杰出的,百夫之特;奇异、异常,而未始知西山之怪特;配偶,不思旧姻,求尔新特;只、仅、独、不过,山川者,特天地之物也;非特,不但、不仅,此非特无术也,又乃无行;却、竟然,不知者特以为神。\par 闻:听见,我闻其声;听说,闻所未闻;使上级听见、报告上级,令尹诛而楚奸不上闻;闻名、著称,事母以孝闻;所传达的消息或文书,文至,帝号恸;见闻、知识,博闻强志;声誉、名声,令闻令望;用鼻子嗅,扫后更闻香。\par - +冥:昏暗,窈兮冥兮,其中有精;黑夜,冥火薄天;暗中,冥持札牍兮;暗合,神与理冥;眼睛昏花,夫人年高目冥;愚昧,一语开冥顽,冥顽不灵;高远、深远,沈精重渊,搞志高冥;深入的思考,冥思苦想\par +暝:幽暗、昏暗,云归而岩穴暝;日落、天黑,山暝行人断\par +瞑:闭上眼睛,通夜不瞑;眼睛昏花,臣耳目聋\par +穷:终极、完结,与物变化,而无所终穷;穷究、追究到底,不忍穷竟其事;阻塞不通,与能相对,日暮途穷;走投无路,孔子穷于陈蔡之间;止息,儒有博学而不穷;词穷、无言以对,遁辞,知其所穷,理屈词穷;不得志、不显贵,与达相对,故士穷不失义,达不离道;贫苦、生活困难,振困穷,补不足;荒远、偏僻,穷乡僻壤。在古代,缺乏衣食钱财一般叫贫,不得志,没有出路叫穷。\par +绝:断、断绝,在陈绝粮;竭、尽,绝力而死;极、非常,秦女绝美;超越、超过,寿蹻捷绝人;高超、绝妙,佗之绝技;横渡、横穿,非能水也而绝江河\par +垂:边疆,边境之臣处,则疆垂不丧,后写作陲;边、旁边;兄弟哭路垂;垂挂,其翼若垂天之云;施、赐,陛下垂大惠;流传,名垂乎后世,永垂不朽;临近,垂暮之年;敬辞,垂問以鄙况\par +劝:勉励、奖励,无庆赏之劝;爱到鼓励,庶人有旦暮之业则劝;劝说、劝导,劝秦王养岩穴之士\par +分:f\`{e}n,名分、职分,犯分乱理;料想,自分已死久矣;情分、关系或感情,在远分日亲\par +境:边境、国境,臣始至于境;地方、区域,以聚常、郯之境;境地、处境,渐至佳境\par diff --git a/zaji.tex b/zaji.tex index 6c7cceb..63c2967 100644 --- a/zaji.tex +++ b/zaji.tex @@ -75,10 +75,7 @@ 2024.10.16 乐易者常寿长,忧险者常夭折:是安危利害之常体也。履道者固,杖势者危。不矜细节,终累大行。学了5天的英语,有点习惯了,每天能看两页文档。很多单词都忘记了,有些还能猜得出,大多都忘记了,还得查字典复习一下,慢慢学习吧。前两年一度以为自己废了,去年多次辞呈,今年终得解脱。可以静下心学点知识,读些书,做点有价值的事。未来还很长,还有许多事要做,许多经历需要体验。不能把自己困在牢笼里。昨天测试了一下,17分左右跑完,俯卧撑和仰卧起坐还需要专门锻炼。 Ctrl+Pd Ctrl+Pu Alt+1...8 -\chapter{git} -git add .命令把所有文件都加进去了,目前采用 git add *.tex ,另一解决方案是编辑.gitignore文件,还没试。 - - +2024.10.17 \chapter{cmake} 自动递归设计变量名 \begin{verbatim*} @@ -112,8 +109,7 @@ $\grave{e}$ 引用文本\par \raggedleft--作者 \end{quotation} -\section{五笔} -旅:ytey + \end{document}